Tuesday, July 3, 2007

I want to thank Father Christ Ahnsanghong and our Mother New Jerusalem for a great day in learning there truth. When I first went into the truth I always wanted to learn about true God almighty. When I was preached, they had preached to me about Heavenly Mother and second coming Christ who came in the flesh with a new name, Christ AhnSanhgHong. I prayed and worshiped in his name without even knowing him, but today I finally met God all mighty in the Bible. Father Christ Ahnsanghong please hear my repentance of this sinful child. How much you have suffered for this retched sinner. Today during Tuesday service before we sang I looked at my new songs and when I opened it was 168 “I Repent of My Sin”, all of the subjects that I have learned all came together and struck me as hard as a rock. Tears ran down my face and found out that without Father AhnSangHong I would not receive this truth. But by his mercy and his grace I can live once again. Father without you I am nothing thank you so much for saving me. Christ AhnSangHong may all honor glory and praise be onto you, and Heavenly Mother even though I still have not learned about you I believe you are true all mighty God, I will you in the Bible Soon. Until then I will continue to pray for us under the only name that can save us, the only name that gives us life, the true God all mighty Christ AhnsahngHong.


At July 4, 2007 at 9:05 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

WOW! If you haven't yet, you will learn about Mother in the bible soon and be utterly amazed. That is the last mystery, the secret that has been hidden for ages. Usually when people hide things it's because they don't want other people to get to it or steal it. Apostle Paul wrote that Christ is the last secret, the Mystery that has been hidden but only disclosed to a few.

When Jesus came into this world He was a mystery, the people said "Is this not Jesus, the son of Joseph, whose father and mother we know?...Jn 6:42 because He came in the flesh and the glory of God was hidden.

So many years later, all people know the name of Jesus; and blasphemie it without 2nd thought...AS IT IS WRITTEN...

"...And all day long my name is constantly blasphemed. Therefore my people will know my name..." Isa 52:5,6

God kept the mystery hidden until due time. Now is that time! I hope you have the apostles faith when it comes to CHrist AhnSahngHong and Mother!

At July 4, 2007 at 9:26 AM , Blogger elohist144 said...

My Heavenly Mother, New Jerusalem, my glorious Father Christ Ahnsahnhong all glory, honor and thanks be to you. Before it was myself, you made me, me, with love, patience, sacrifice and tears you choose me before the creation and set me free from my sins. You shaped my path even before I was just a simple egg in my physical mother’s womb. As child every time I fell, cry, or was alone, you were always there, even though I did not know you yet, but you were there, taking care of me with everyone of your prayers. Our Jerusalem Mother your love is like the deepest of the ocean, vast and wide, you shelter my poor soul, with a peaceful and quiet smile.

All this years you allowed me to learn about God, to become who I am with the purpose of preparing me to receive the truth. Father and Mother, you allowed me to get an education and learn about the Bible with the purpose of that when I heard the truth that night after going through a horrible snow storm I would automatically receive it and accept to get baptize without even questioning, and allowed me to enter in the path of light and see all the mercy that you pour on your children. Thank you Father Christ Ahnsahnhong and Heavenly Mother New Jerusalem, for showing me so much love when I am not even worthy to call at your name. Thank you Father and Mother because you gave me the gift of eternal life, and then in love you set me free from all my sins.

At July 5, 2007 at 9:17 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is so amazing when you learn the Holy Name of our Savior, the Name of Christ Ahn Sahng Hong. Now, when you go home you know in who's Name to pray to, your prayers will be answered, its just so amazing to understand that God, Christ Ahn Sahng Hong, will hear you and take care of you

At July 6, 2007 at 9:58 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

God Bless You!

It's so true. Before i came to the Church of God WMS, i had no idea how to pray to God. To who are you talking to? What are you supposed to say? I always asked myself these questions.

Since I learned the Name of the Holy Spirit, NOW i can have a conversation with God! Recently a longtime friend asked me "does God listen when you pray?" It made me smile because i know 1000% that because we are calling the correct name of God (Christ AhnSahngHong and Mother Jerusalem) They are listening.

Now i can say that all my prayers are being answered!

At July 8, 2007 at 10:25 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...


I am weak and feeble being, God sacrificed himself, shedding his blood, and forgave my sins. He came into this sinful world again and taught the new covenant of life. Without the precious love and sacrifice of God, I would have lived a miserable life, waiting for death.
Our heavenly Father has promised to lead us from despair to hope, from death to life, from perishable beings to imperishable ones who will enjoy happiness forever and ever. to bring us to the kingdom of heaven where there is no pain.God allowed his flesh to be torn and His blood to be shed 2,000 years ago, and he came again in these last days and suffered for 37 yrs. If we remember Heavenly Father's love and grace, we will always overflow with thanksgiving and joy.
Brother and Sisters.... we should preach the gospel diligently, always giving thanks to our Father and Mother who has led us to heaven where there is no pain, so that we can receive Him with joy when he comes.

At July 10, 2007 at 1:48 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Heavenly Mother's Love!!!

We are sinners who are destined to die. However Mother has forgiven us and given us new life.
When i truly think about Mother's love, i start to think.... i must repent of all my sins and always give thanks to Mother for Her grace and mercy.
As Mother's children, we should try to walk in the righ path of faith, fathoming the heart of Mother who worries day and night until she forgives Her children's sins. And we should do what pleases Mother.

A mother is most pleased when her children live together in harmony.
Heavenly Mother also wants Her children in Zion to take care of each other and be united in LOVE.

Father Ahn Sang Hong & Mother Jerusalem told us to forgive brothers and sisters for the wrong doings and to love even our enemies, because the faults of the brothers and sisters are nothing, compared with our sins which we did in heaven against heavenly parents. Mother has fogiven us.
We need to have the broad and beautiful mind enough to cover up brothers fault.

I will please our Mother by sincerely loving and respecting my brother and sisters in ZION.

At July 26, 2007 at 9:50 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

iThink Online

At September 19, 2007 at 6:16 AM , Blogger dazw518 said...

Yes! Let's become the rejoice in heaven(Father and Mother) by sharing glorious words in zion. It will make us complete so we may go to the kingdom of heaven.
God bless you ! all of my brothers and sisters!

At March 19, 2008 at 10:15 PM , Blogger NaNa said...

WoW^^ God Bless You^^
My Heavenly Mother, New Jerusalem, my glorious Father Christ Ahnsahnhong all glory, honor and thanks be to you.


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